
Secure Your Google Analytics Account and Connect

Because Analytics is a Google product, configuring the tracking is simple. A lot of the work is already done for you out of the box.

All you need to do is generate your Google Analytics tracking ID, then configure it within Google Analytics Account and Connect

1. In another browser tab, open Analytics.google.com; in the upper right you may need to click “Sign In.”

2. If you don’t already have a Google Analytics account, you’ll need to create one. If you already have an account, you can skip ahead to step 7.

3. Give the account the name of your small business. You can also opt to share anonymous data with Google. Scroll down and click “Next.”

Secure Your Google Analytics Account and Connect

4. Select that you want to measure “Web” and click “Next.”


5. Set up your web property:

a. Name the property with your website’s URL.

b. Configure the http/https dropdown. (Tip: you really should be using HTTPS:// to indicate that your site is secure. If you’re not, talk to your web developer. You’ll need to purchase a site certificate before you can implement the change.)

c. Input your website domain.

d. Choose an industry.

e. Select your time zone.

f. Click “Create.”


6. Upon creation, the system will display your new Google Analytics tracking ID. Copy this tracking ID and skip to step 8.

7. If you already had an analytics account, you can find the tracking ID easily:

a. In the lower left of the page, click “Admin.”

b. Select the web property you need to track.

c. Click “Tracking Info” and then “Tracking Code.”

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d. Copy this tracking ID and move to the next step.

Google Analytics – Google Tag Manager

8. Go back to the browser tab where you have Google Tag Manager open.

9. In the left menu, click on “Tags.”


10. Create your first tag. In the upper right of the Tags section, click “New.”


11. In the upper left, rename the tag as “Google Analytics” and click the folder icon; select “Create New Folder.”


12. Create a “Marketing” folder and click “Create.”

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13. Now you can start configuring the tag itself. Click anywhere within the “Tag Configuration” section to bring up a list of available tag types.

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14. In the menu to the right, select “Google Analytics: Universal Analytics.”


15. On the Google Analytics Settings dropdown, select “New Variable …” A new window will slide in.


16. Take the Google Analytics Tracking ID from earlier, and tell GTM it is what you want to use for your website tracking.

17. First, give this new variable a name and put it in the Marketing folder:


18. Click into the “Variable Configuration” and set the Tracking ID:

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19. Underneath those two settings, click “More Settings.”

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20. Enable the Advertising and Ecommerce features for maximum power:


21. In the upper right, click “Save.”


22. After saving, the variable window will slide away to reveal your Tag setup. You’ll notice that this tag is now using the new variable you just created.

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23. Almost done! The last step is to tell GTM when this tracking tag should fire. Because the tag is for Google Analytics, you want it to fire on ALL pages. Click anywhere in the “Triggering” section:


24. Select the “All Pages” trigger; it should be the only one if this is a new GTM account.


25. In the upper right, click “Save.”

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What did you just do? In plain English, you told GTM that anytime a page is viewed on your website, GTM should go ahead and fire the Google Analytics tracking. Setting the tracking up this way ensures all site visitors are tracked.

You’ll use a similar process to set up the next two tags, Google Ads and Facebook.