
Your Business Dashboard…

Are You Driving Your Business Blind? Where’s Your Business Dashboard?

I bet you have driven your car recently? Well, that vehicle has a dashboard so you can safely manage it and drive it from where you are to where you want to be, in a timely and safe manner, whereby you survive the journey uninjured.

The same NEEDS to be the case for your small business, which is supposed to be your vehicle that drives the wealth and the cash you need for the lifestyles of you, your family, any team you have and their families…yet, how are you driving your business as a vehicle toward achieving these outcomes, how are you managing all its components and parts to ensure you are on course?

Have you just realised you are driving your business Blind?

Success in business today, particularly small business, is all about having an effective operational plan, focusing on the plan and implementing that plan. But, how do you know if you are on course? If your not on course not achieving your plan, how much are you off course with your plan? How do you know if you need to change course?

The key to managing your planning and implementation of that plan is to measure the activity and results within your business which are mostly represented in the form of numbers in your business.Yet, you can’t manage the numbers, if you aren’t measuring and reporting the numbers!

You may have heard that as a Small Business Owner the ‘Number 1’ skill you need to master until your turnover is over about two million in sales annually, is how to ‘Market and Sell’ your products and services. This requires you to measure and manage these numbers – regularly!

Warren Buffett Quote
“Accounting is the language of business, if you can’t speak the language, its difficult to win the game!”  

Now even though Mr Buffett was talking about ‘financial accounting’ when he said this statement! I like to extend his statement to include ‘ALL NUMBERS’ which includes marketing numbers, sales numbers, customer satisfaction numbers etc. At ‘LibAbun’ we call this ‘Numerical Mastery’ – knowing your numbers!


Leverage Your Business With Our All-In-One LibAbun CRM

At LibAbun we recommend Small Businesses use our All-in-one CRM platform which has a fantastic ‘DASHBOARD’ in the tools drop down menu that displays Leads generated, lead source reports, sales achieved, sales pipeline stages, email open and click-through rates, Google Analytics report and so much more…

Here is a shot of demo account Sales Funnel, you can have any number of Sales Funnels and click through each one to observe your Reports…Also, we have displayed the Overall Conversion rates and stage by stage conversion rate…

Libabun All-in-one CRM Application
You can also adopt some ‘real time’ follow up by emailing out an offer to your selected email database list and as people actually open the emails you can contact them within a few minutes or hours knowing they have recently opened your email by using this feature below…
Note: we have removed the names at the front for privacy reasons, yet you can clearly see what email was opened and how long ago they opened that email! Can you imagine how powerful this could be for your marketing and sales results?


 Help Is At Hand…We  Install Your Dashboard For You!

 The key to progressively growing your business is to invest some time and resources to ‘work on’ these type of marketing and sales systems and have them displayed in your Business Dashboard so you can review and manage your numbers – Regularly!

The team at LibAbun have helped hundreds of Small Business Businesses successfully install Business Dashboards into their Businesses to collate all the business activity and results for much better management and results.

If you want your business to grow, you have to improve what you’re currently doing…and you can only do that if you are measuring and managing the activity and results in your business because “If you do what you have always done, you’ll keep getting what you have always got!”

If you would like to find out ‘if and how’ LibAbun could work with you to automate your marketing, sales, customer service and business reporting for you and too see what your options are with Infusionsoft; then REGISTER FOR FREE APPRAISAL TODAY…and a member of the LibAbun Team will contact you.