Wedding Photography Business Booms!
Wedding Photography Business Engages Growth
Monthly revenues up by over 600%!
Moving into larger premises due to expansions
Team expanding rapidly…
When Ed Clayton from Silverton Photography started with a Business Coach to work on his Wedding Photography Business, he was expecting growth, but not in so many ways!
Ed initially started working with a Business Coach on our Business Group Coaching programme and within the first 9 months he had seen his business revenue steadily grown from about £3,000 per month just shy of £20,000!
Clearly this sort of growth put other stresses and strains not just on the Business, but of course on Ed as well as the Business Owner who was responsible for the Wedding Photographer business and of course ensuring the professional photographer experience at the weddings they are contracted for.
Any business as it grows undergoes certain stresses and strains – ‘growth pains’ and it comes down to how the main decision makers in the business plan, prepare and react to scenarios that are going to occur during this growth.
Ed says “My Mindset has changed so much in how I structure my day, this has resulted in my being a lot less stressed. It’s great having someone outside of the business to talk to about my business challenges. My Business Coach doesn’t have the ’emotional attachment’ to the business that I do and I find they always bring me back to solid ground on any issues!”