
Business Coaching Services Help ‘FMW Recycling’ Get A Fresh Start…


Even Recycling Businesses need to recycle and refine their own Business from time to time. This was certainly the case when FMW recycling discovered the range of Business Coaching services available to them.

Business Coaching ServicesFMW Recycling helps businesses dispose of their electrical waste by shredding electronic equipment. Customers include SMEs and multinationals through to hospitals, schools and government departments – indeed any organisation which needs to comply with the WEEE directive (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment).

Despite its clear market niche, Helena and Paul Dunne who took over the business in 2007 found they were not clear about where the business was heading or how to get there. The husband and wife team were overwhelmed by the day to day to look beyond it. Then in June 2009, Helena discovered there were Business Coaching services that could help them and everything changed.

See What FMW Thought Of The Business Coaching Services.


Helena picks up the story. “It was during the recession, Business was a lot tougher. I had decided to set aside 5 minutes of my time everyday to answer cold callers. I also read more marketing emails. It was at this point that I took a cold call from my future Business Coaching Services Team.”

“During the conversation the Business Coach asked me what percentage of time we were spending working in the business rather than working on it? I pricked up my ears, as I realised we were hardly working on the business at all and we needed to be. I soon started to realise we needed to be working with a Business Coach!”

The Business Coach meets with FMW Recycling once a week for a one-to-one coaching session. Once a quarter we also invest a whole day with the couple helping them plan the next 90 days and set business goals. Helena explains; “It is fantastic, we cover everything from the fundamental steps of running a business through to more advanced strategies. We cover marketing, sales, business systems, planning, HR, Business financials and so much more.”

One of the big challenges for business owners is extracting themselves from the day to day so that they can focus on the bigger picture. To help Helena and Paul do this their coach got them to examine how they were spending their time.  They learned to delegate many more of the admin duties such as invoicing and the legal WEEE directive documentation.

Their Business Coach also helped them systemise the business by pulling together documentation for all the routine procedures. The result is a hand-over document which Helena and Paul have given to staff, in particular to the operations manager.

Some of the Results From Our Business Coaching Services


We have got the Operations Manager more involved in the business. “This is more rewarding for him”, says Helena, “but it also means we aren’t bogged down in the detail”. We are now delegating a lot more. As part of this process Helena and Paul have also more clearly defined the various roles in the company.

We have just taken on a Finance Manager. The role was always there, but our Business coach helped us clearly define this role. We did this also for all the other jobs in the business. This means we all know what we are doing and when we should be doing it.

The freeing up of Helena and Paul’s time has helped them focus on new business generation. Under their Business Coach’s guidance they deploy a real mix of marketing methods and test and measure absolutely everything. This means they can focus more time and effort on the things that work.

Testing and measuring is really new to us! Helena comments: Quite simply we didn’t do this before, we didn’t know where business was really coming from.

How things have changed. Today by logging everything onto a 10×10 strategy devised by our Business Coach, Helena and Paul now test and measure every marketing strategy from cold calling and e-marketing to advertising and networking. They identify how many leads come through and how many of these turn into hot prospects, and then into actual business.

We can now see what works best for us and adjust our expenditure accordingly. For instance we have found that networking more than pays for itself but that some other methods are less productive. As a result, sales have increased by 50% – it is fantastic and all thanks to our Business Coach.

The Key Is Sustainable Business Growth Through Our Business Coaching Services


Indeed Helena has had to recruit more staff to keep up with the new business they are generating. Helena says’ “It is super, before working with our Business Coach, we were just a team of three. Now, we are a team of seven and Paul and I actually have the time to plan our business future. Things are really motoring. You can just feel the buzz in the business, which in this climate is saying something!

While it is exciting to grow the business, a growing team can bring with it additional management challenges. Our business coach has helped with this too. Helena has put in place a meeting time with the staff to discuss any issues/news of the week. “We also have a daily huddle to discuss immediate issues and opportunities” adds Helena. 

Whatever the problem the weekly meeting and daily huddles have really boosted staff morale within the company. These have brought the best out in all the staff. Helena comments, “It is so much more fun to work here now, no more doom and gloom, it has helped us tremendously.”

Their Business Coach has also encouraged Helena and Paul to have a one-to-one meeting every week to go over targets and any business issues they are facing.

Helena explains, “This has really helped us as a couple running a business together. Before we would just randomly interrupt one another, which as you can imagine, can be very irritating especially when one is in the middle of something. Now we’re much more business-like, we plan, and formally meet to discuss how we’re doing. We have the time and techniques to see the wider picture.”

The main reason the couple took on their Business Coach was to gain a sense of purpose and grow the business. They have achieved this and more. The growth over the past months has been incredible. Sales revenue has increased by 52% to and our contracted customer numbers have increased from 30 to 42.

However, all this growth has been matched by a much more orderly business. Everyone knows who’s doing what, they have a plan, a vision and a route map to get there. Ultimately, we want the business to run without us and I really believe we’re on track to achieve this. Paul and I feel privileged to have ActioOur Business Coach on board.

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At Libabun we help Business Owners and Managers discover and understand the benefit of working with a Business Coach. We do this by conducting a 2-Hour Small Business Audit which looks at your current business strategies and your current results. Next, we assess the options with you and offer you a myriad of improvements to achieve ‘real and sustainable’ growth. We also do this audit with you so that you get to understand how Business Coaching can work for you and your business.

You also get to see the competence of the Business Coaching team you are considering working with.  As a Business Coaching Organisation, we also offer all our clients a 26 Week Results Guarantee. So we want to make sure the business growth opportunities are there for you and we are confident we can help you achieve them.