
Business Coaching Testimonial – Osbourne Transport

Sales up 80% from £720,000 to £1,300,000

Net Profit increased by 259%

Osbourne Transport MarkMark Foster – Osbourn Transport – ‘Im a mechanic, and have been all my working life. When I set up my own business I went from being one of the boys in the workshop to being the boss, which meant everybody was looking at me for direction and leadership.

Obviously that’s what you’d expect, but I found it all quite alien and very difficult. To be honest, I was way out of my comfort zone! Before I met my Business Coach, the business had a reasonable turnover, but there was no financial control, back office systems were failing, there was a backlog in invoicing and cash-flow was strangled.

If the financial situation was bad, morale was even worse; it was truly at rock-bottom. Things had to change. It’s difficult to know where to start in describing the changes that working with my Business Coach have brought about. Systemisation improved all areas of the business; understanding and mastering the financials really turned things around; and better communication meant happier employees and brilliant team morale.

“My Business Coach has guided me out of difficult times and helped me realise so many business and personal goals. The change he has helped me bring about in the business is incredible. The change he has brought about in me is immeasurable. ”

 Things improved so much that two years ago we moved from rented workshops to our own purpose-built space. Now we need to expand again and are planning for additional workshop and office space. My Business Coach and I have worked on and improved so many aspects of the business relatively quickly that it all blurs into one, but I think one of the most positive changes is in me. From the lost technician, who would always gravitate back to the workshop when the going got tough, I have become a business owner with belief in myself and my ability.

 Rather than spending hours and hours working “IN” my business, I spend time working “ON” it and planning for the future. I’m not saying it has been an easy transition, but it’s been well worth the effort. I’m happier and a nicer person to be around!

 One of the real ‘pluses’ for me is that I have more time to spend with and focus on my family. We’ve moved from our small 2 bedroom semi to our dream house in a village and I’m currently planning our dream holiday. I’ve also bought our dream car – a Lamborghini Diablo. Okay, so I admit that last dream was really just mine…but you get the picture!

Life is good.

What Marks Business Coach Has To Say….

When I first met Mark things were in a mess. There were no real systems in place for managing any aspects of the business, cash-flow was a real problem and team morale was terrible. He was aware of this but didn’t know how to effectively bring about change.

 The first challenge was to drag Mark kicking and screaming out of the workshop. It was where he felt most comfortable, but he was never going to make a success of his business if he spent most of his time under a lorry. Helping him realise that his time was better spent working on his business rather than in it was a huge step in the right direction. And the more time he spent on his business the more he realised he was actually a very capable businessman – there was no lack of ability, just a lack of confidence in that ability!

With Mark firmly at the helm it was far easier for him to see the need for systemic changes in the business, and far easier for him to put them in place. I’ve helped him to implement new systems and processes for all aspects of the business, from Human Resources to stock ordering, and from sales to credit control. He now constantly reviews, streamlines and improves them as the business evolves. He’s definitely not one for sitting back on his laurels. From being a typical technician in a small business Mark has become a well-rounded, successful business man. He would be the first to admit that it hasn’t been an easy journey for him, but in some ways that makes it all the more impressive. He’s achieved a number of business goals and realised some personal dreams in the past two years. I’m very proud of him.

He’s a real example to us all.