Business Coaching Case Study – Northampton Reptile Centre Hatches New Growth Through Business Coaching…
Revenue up 30%
Gross profit up 35%
Net profit up 400%
Business Coaching Case Study – What The Client Says About Working With A Business Coach…
When we first started with our Business Coach, our business was in a mess. We had a manager who caused unrest and this, in turn, meant a de-motivated team and high staff turnover. It caused us to lose focus on the running of the business because we were spending most of our time worrying about what each day held in store and wondering how we would cope with the volatility of our manager.
The situation was complicated by the fact our manager had been a friend for 12 years and our employee for 8 years. We didn’t know what to do and shied away from any thoughts of sacking him.
Something had to be done to improve our business, so we turned to Business Coach and the transformation has been fantastic, which is why we are very happy to provide this Business Coaching Case Study.
One of the first things we did was to test and measure the business at a time when our manager was on holiday. Through this Business Coaching, we found a huge number of discrepancies and identified that our manager had been stealing from us. It came as something of a shock, to say the least, but it gave us the grounds to dismiss him and meant we could start to build a cohesive team that felt like a family, was committed to continuous improvement and growth of the business and had the ability to run our business for us.
“We now have a fantastic team in place that is 100% involved and included in the business.”
All members of our team have been DISC profiled and our Business Coach has coached them about how to communicate with and sell to a customer using DISC. We have plenty of WIFLEs and put in place the 14 Points of Culture, plus two points of our own! Everyone has embraced the model espoused through Business Coaching and this has helped us to be able to really concentrate to drive our business forward.
Through the Business Coaching, we’ve expanded our store, rebuilt our website sales which have increased from £30 per week to £10,000 per month, embraced new media – blogging, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, started contributing articles to a specialist online site and we’re testing the market for specialist websites of our own. We have also started to Franchise our Brand and have our first Franchise stores open. In addition, we support a local reptile re-homing centre called Sam’s Species. We promote them and they promote us – it’s a very successful strategic alliance.
Things are so different for us now. We look forward to each day, we love working together and we’re proud of the team we have built around us. The Business Coaching we have received has certainly helped us to transform the Business results
What The Business Coach Says About Our Client…
When we first met Lois & Antony they were at quite a low ebb. Problems with their manager and high staff turnover caused upset and unrest and left them questioning whether things would ever improve. They were putting all their effort into just getting by on a day-to-day basis and spent much of their time fire-fighting problems, which left the business in a state of inertia.
They knew things had to change, but they were unsure of what to do. Happily, they turned to Business Coaching for solutions and we were able to contribute to the changes and improvements that have come about over the past few years.
Lois has an incredible drive, industry, and ambition, and these qualities combined with Antony’s fantastic support make them a great couple to coach. In the time I’ve been working with them their business has changed dramatically, not only in terms of improved financials but also in its whole ethos. The Business Coaching they have undertaken really has ‘transformed’ the whole team in the business and therefore the business results too.
Lois & Antony always put abundance and care ahead of profit. It is of the utmost importance to them that through the Business Coaching they create an environment in which their team and customers feel happy, valued and involved and they want to make a valuable contribution to local the community. What is interesting is that this attitude and approach actually generates profit – a lot more profit!
It hasn’t all been plain sailing, but they’ve weathered the storms and come through stronger, more determined and more resilient. It’s been a pleasure working with them and the new team they have built around them. I am sure they will continue developing in the right areas and the Business Coaching they are receiving is an ongoing mantra in their Business culture.
If you want to find out how Business Coaching could help your business. We invite you to take up a ‘Complimentary Business Growth Audit’ with us a Libabun to discover with us all the ‘Business growth and automation’ opportunities available to you and your business.