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Lets immediately talk about the ‘Elephant in the room’. If working with a business coach was going to be a profitable strategy, you’d be crazy not to work with that person right?
So here are a few questions you need to ask the Business Coach and yourself to help you maximise the opportunity that working with a business coach will be a profitable strategy for you.
Find out how long the Business Coach has been in Business and how long they have been trading as a Business Coach? Clearly the more history and experience of positive results with other business owners the better.
Of course every business needs to start sometime, so if you get a Business Coach who recently started their business, this isn’t necessarily a negative point, its just an indicator you want to probe a bit deeper into their history and skills to determine if you want to work with them.
At LibAbun Business Grpowth Services, the head Business Coach of our Business Coaching Service has been in the Industry since 2001. He has bought built and sold 4 businesses himself and he has coached well over 400 businesses during this time, in dozens of industries.
Any Business Coaching service worth their salt, will have a range of bespoke Business Coaching programmes that can be tailored to specifically suite your unique business situation. This is the best approach to make sure a Business Coaching programme is accessible, practical, and affordable for your size business
Some Business Coaches offer a ‘One-Size Fits All’ programme. Unless they are targeting a specific sized client in a specific market, then beware of such people as this indicates they have not put much thought into the needs of their target market they seek to serve.
At LibAbun Business Growth Services, our Business Coaching offers 4 different bespoke business coaching programmes that are tailored to help different sized businesses The first programme is specifically for Self-employed Business Owners or Start-up businesses with annual sales under £100k. The other programmes scales up from there.
A good Business Coaching Service will teach you to use service or product guarantees or warranties. This is possible for almost every business, including a Business Coaching business. So what guarantee or warranty are they offering you?
Many Business Coaches will try to tell you they cant offer ‘guaranteed results’, because it is incumbent on you doing the work. Although this is technically true, any Business Coach worth their salt will be willing to back their service with some sort of Guarantee.
For example, at LibAbun we offer all our clients a 26-week profit guarantee. This guarantee state “If you don’t increase your monthly gross profit by more than your monthly investment in our Business coaching, within 26 weeks; then after that our coaching is free until you achieve it.”
Now our Business Coaching Guarantee is conditional on you doing the agreed work between each session. However we never cancel our Guarantee, if there is a week or two where you haven’t managed to complete the agreed work, then we simply add that time on the 26 week guarantee timeline.
During my last 20 years conducting Business Coaching with hundreds of Businesses in dozens of industries, I can tell you there is one simple rule to Guarantee success from our Business Coaching. “Invest 5-hours a week to implement what you learn from your Coach and ‘Work on’ your business”.
So are you prepared to invest ‘5 hours every week to work on your business’? If you do this the advice, education and automation you learn from our business growth services will quickly make working with a Business Coach profitable for you.
If you are already working a crazy number of hours, you may be thinking how am I going to find five more hours in my already business schedule? If this is the case for you, then a good Business Coach will help you restructure your week so that you can find this time. It’s not necessarily about working harder, its also about working smarter.
At LibAbun our ’26 week Guarantee’ is conditional on you allocating this time and doing the work each week. We do provide you with a level of inspiration and accountability to achieve this. If you are prepared to invest the 5-hours a week working on your business, then we are both onto a win/win situation.
As part of any Business Growth Service and our Business Coaching programme, Business people always have to learn how to better manage and lead their businesses.
Some examples of this include; producing and understanding Monthly Financial reports; collecting and reviewing other data for your Website and any Social Media Channels; implementing and following a basic business plan focused on growth to achieve your business goals; collecting and analysing marketing and sales data; implementing business automation strategies to save you time and increase productivity.
Part of the transition for every Small Business owner is to learn how to spend less time with their hands on the tools and more time managing and leading their business and any team they have. Its always an interesting transition, yet an extremely rewarding one, when are making that transition.
So if you want to start making a more postive change in your business and after reading this article your’e up to working with our Business Growth Services and one of our Business Coaches then Book a 15-minute call with us to initially discuss what you are seeking and we can progress things from there.
Keepers Cottage, High Street, Weston Underwood, Buckinghamshire, MK465JS.
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