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RM Services Auto Repair Gets A ‘Tune Up’ Working With A Business Coach.


RM Services Auto Repair

Turnover: up 54% 24 months
Profit: up 165% in 24 months
2 years consecutive growth
Read how a business that had been running for 30 years, got stuck in a rut and found its way out through Business Coaching. There were massive benefits from when this Automotive Repair business receives business coaching. The results didn’t happen overnight, but they did happen in a few short months.

What The Client Said About Business Coaching…


My ‘RM Services Auto Repair’ business had been established for over 30 years and had got in a rut. I had become complacent and lazy and the staff somewhat unruly, with a lack of morale. The business wasn’t running at a loss, although really I had no idea as to how it was doing as nothing was tested and measured. I realised that it had further potential but was not really sure how to release it. We were getting quite a few complaints from customers regarding the attitude of the staff. I had become just like a robot and did not look forward at all to coming to work. I now have much more confidence and the business has gone from strength to strength with the team now working as a team and pulling in the same direction.

In the first year of Coaching my revenues increased by 38% and my profit by a massive 81%. At the time of writing this testimonial, I am currently in my second year of Coaching and the current forecast states that at the end of this year, the increase in my revenues over the 2 years with the Coaching will be 54% and profit by a staggering 165%. That’s not bad for a business that was already doing ok pre-coaching!

The team are now motivated and have monthly goals to achieve and put ideas forward during our regular team briefs. I have no worries now about leaving the business and coming back to a disaster.

“For anyone considering using a Business Coach, I cannot recommend ActionCOACH highly enough. I always remember asking myself, “What can ActionCOACH teach me about running a Garage?” I knew the answer was “nothing”. What ActionCOACH can teach me and anyone else is how to run a business.”

What The Business Coach Said About The Client…

The best word to describe Roger when he first met me was skeptical! However, it was clear to me from an early point that there was a man who was obviously ambitious and he would work hard to get to his goals.

It was clear that over the years, Roger had lost sight of some of the basics and was running the risk of falling out of love with his business. We immediately started off measuring what was going on in the business and it became clear that there were some things that weren’t quite right with the financial model. Once we had made the necessary adjustments, things started to happen very quickly and we built up some great momentum. Roger also had some issues with the team that needed addressing. Again, to his eternal credit, he dealt with them head on even though most of what he was doing was way out of his comfort zone.

To build on the greater harmony and productivity in the team, Roger asked me to conduct an Alignment Training day for the team which served to take them to even greater heights. Roger is an honest hard working individual who deserves the best. He always gives things a go and I am honoured to class him as a friend